by Guest Author RHMitchell | Nov 10, 2017 | Ballet, Competition, CreAte Hope, Guest Choreographer, Holiday, Uncategorized
There is a phrase, originally made famous by Napoleon Bonaparte, he said, “Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.” He said it about a country he believed would one day rise up and shape the world. November is one of those months that seems a...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Jan 13, 2017 | CreAte Hope
Mark your calendars for our 4th annual CreAte Hope Charity Show January 28th at Ogden High School. As always, proceeds from the show will benefit the Utah Parent Center (UPC), a non-profit organization which serves families of special needs children. We are excited...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Feb 1, 2016 | Competition, CreAte Hope
It’s important as we head in to the next several months that you check our calendar often! Every week from here on out, it seems we’ve got big things happening. Yes, luv is in the air and not just because of Valentines day celebrations. Luv 2 Dance is excited...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Jan 25, 2016 | CreAte Hope
Tickets are now on sale! Beginning TODAY, January 25th during regular studio office hours and at the door on February 6th. Tickets are just $10.00 and all proceeds are going to benefit the Utah Parent Center. In addition, this year our dancers will be showing off...