by Guest Author RHMitchell | Dec 15, 2019 | Holiday
In reality dance is a year-round sport. Our dancers are constantly pushing, never yielding and digging deep…always. With the exception of when we force them out of the studio for a little time in July and the end of December to get some much...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Dec 5, 2019 | Christmas Recital, Holiday
We are excited to kick off the holidays and continue with tradition with one of the best shows of the year. Our Christmas Recital is scheduled for Saturday, December 21st at Viewmont High School. These amazing dancers have been working hard to put together this show...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Nov 12, 2019 | Audition, Christmas Recital, Competition, Goals, Register
Luv 2 Dance has been helping dancers achieve their goals since 1996. Now 23 years (and counting) later, we can’t believe how many dancers have come and gone through our studios. No two dancers have been the same, but individually they have left their own marks...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Oct 6, 2019 | Dance Facts, Goals, Uncategorized, WORLD of Dance
I had in a conversation the other day in which the individual I was talking with asked what extra curricular activities my child was engaged in. Though involved in a great many things, without hesitation I answered dance…since, let’s be honest, it’s...
by Guest Author RHMitchell | Sep 17, 2019 | Register, Welcome
After a little summer break…you may notice our website has a new look! We hope you like it and find it easier to navigate! Check out our story here: Need to register…just click this! For those who are already dancing with...