L2D Accountant | Manager
We highly encourage you to save your Credit Card or Debit Card Information in your Parent Portal. It does not automatically bill your card when registering for a class, event, etc.. Your card information is secured and kept confidential. NO staff member is able to view your card details.
*CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD – Visa, Disc, MC, AMEX without any additional fee applied.
*BANK AUTO-PAY/BILL-PAY SERVICE – payable to Luv 2 Dance Studio.
*CHECK: payable to Luv 2 Dance Studio.
*CASH – place in a sealed envelope with your dancers FIRST & LAST name included.
*ONLINE within your Parent Portal. Link may be found on our HOME page at (THIS PAYMENT METHOD IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).
*IN-PERSON/STUDIO OFFICE: during office hours, Mon-Thurs 4:00-7:00 p.m. & Tue/Wed 9:30-11:00 a.m. (dance season, Sept-May). Summer Office Hours vary.
*TUITION DROP BOX: located at the front counter at our Studio Office. Make sure your dancers FIRST & LAST Name is included on payment.
*BY MAIL: See mailing address listed below.
c/o Chris Shaw
1065 S. Main St.
Fruit Heights, UT 84037
(Please DO NOT mail payment to the studio address. Please DO NOT mail CASH payments)
DUE DATES & FEES – (The following applies to ALL programs and accounts at LUV 2 DANCE STUDIO):
TUITION DUE DATE = 1st of each month, no later than the 10th.
PROGRAM FEES DUE DATE = 1st of each month, no later than the 10th. (unless otherwise notified).
LATE FEE = $25 applied on the 11th of each month.
PAYMENT PERIOD LATE FEE = $50 (in addition to monthly Late Fee, applied every 3 months to any accounts with late balances).
RETURNED CHECK FEE = $35 fee will be charged for any returned checks.
PLEASE PAY ON TIME to avoid late fees and a delinquent account status. There are NO credits or refunds for lessons missed due to sickness, short term injuries, holidays, weather, extra performances, spring recital, and showcase.
PAYMENT PERIODS: Your account will be monitored by Payment Periods. At the end of each payment period (3 months, August, November, February, May), if your account is not paid in full, there will be an additional $50 LATE FEE applied. This is in addition to any $25 monthly late fees that have accumulated. At that time, your dancers Director/Instructor(s) will be notified and your dancer will NOT be allowed to participate in any program class(es), Recitals, Competitions, until the account is in good standing. If we are unsuccessful in collecting the unpaid balance at that time, your account will be considered DELINQUENT.
DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS (90 DAYS +) will be sent to a collection agency and your account with Luv 2 Dance Studio will be set to ‘inactive’ status. This applies to any L2D Account that reaches a delinquent status. In this case, your dancer will NOT be allowed to participate in any class, training, competition, performances, and/or recitals, until your account is paid in full and in good standing. Any fees associated with the collection agency will be your responsibility.
ALL FEES & COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH COMPETITION, PERFORMANCE, AND/OR TUMBLING CLASSES, OR ANY OTHER CLASS/PROGRAM HOSTED BY LUV 2 DANCE STUDIO must be paid on time, according to the payment schedule that you will receive via email when the dance season starts.
Accounts must be paid in FULL with a $0.00 balance due in order to receive any costume. This applies to our Competition, Performance and/or Recital Accounts. Your dancer will NOT be able to perform or compete if your account is NOT paid in FULL at time of scheduled performance OR competition. You will still be responsible to pay for ANY associated fees, including, but not limited to, costume(s) and/or choreography, competition, showcase, convention, and/or recital fees, even if your dancer is NOT allowed to participate. If your dancer drops from a COMPETITION Routine, there is a $60 DROP FEE applied for EACH routine they may drop from, after your COMPETITION Contract is signed.
Tuition is due for each month each program is in session. It is NOT determined by the number of classes offered within each month. since it varies for each day of the week, holidays, school recesses or breaks ,early-out or other no school days. Tuition reimbursements are NOT given for cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances, such as any type of natural disaster, weather cancellations, building or facility issues, or emergency closures. Classes cancelled may not be rescheduled. It is at the discretion of the Directors and/or Staff involved. In case of withdrawal from any program, there is a 30 day notice required and tuition is due in full during that time. No withdrawals are accepted as of April 1.
I agree that I am responsible for all associated costs with any program I enroll my child in. I am also aware rates for tuition, fees, and any other associated costs may be increased annually, at an approximate rate of 5%. In addition to monthly Tuition, I am aware that other costs and fees are associated with each program offered, including, but not limited to the specific fees disclosed in this agreement.
ANNUAL Tuition Payment Option: Annual Tuition must be paid in FULL on or before the last day of September for the current dance season (9 months total) to receive 10% off. You will need to set your account payment E-Schedule to: ANNUAL TUITION 10% so that your adjusted tuition rate can be applied to your account.