Don’t read this if your not prepared for yet another yearly gratitude post about how much we LUV our Luv 2 Dance family. Not just around this time of year, we LUV our dancers, dance supporters, teachers, directors, guest choreographers, secretaries and every single one of you EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR.
It’s incredible to look back, now over 23 years, and recognize that massive organization of LUV we have built. Our motto “It’s Just a Studio at First Glance, But it’s Built From Hearts That LUV 2 DANCE” has never proven more accurate. We aren’t just another dance studio in Kaysville, Utah. We don’t just have regular dancers. Our parents and supporters aren’t just your run of the mill extended dance family. Our staff isn’t just so so.
No. Luv 2 Dance has that extra special something. A something that when others come, they feel. A something that when we are asked how we are doing something so extraordinary, frankly, we can’t really quantify it. It’s just here. It just is.
So, at this time of year, and all year…we just want to make sure all of our dancers, our supporters and our team of teachers, directors and administrative staff know…that you compare to no one else. We feel so blessed and so grateful to have each of you in our lives now and for years to come. 23 years later and well over 10,000 dancers who’ve danced in these studios…we’ve created on amazing L2D family! Can’t wait for 23 more years.
Happy Thanksgiving all! We LUV you!