We’ve decided that February is our month, yep Luv 2 Dance has it’s own month! It is after all a month dedicated to LUV, we just can’t figure out why everyone but us keep spelling it wrong. With this, our declaration, we thought we would add to the candy hearts and mushy LUV songs floating around out there and let you know what we LUV.
We LUV our dancers. No really, we do. We work, we learn, we create…we cry, we laugh, we spend a whole lot of time together! There is no one like our Luv 2 Dance ladies and gents and we LUV getting to see them grow and progress and live life in and outside the studio. We hope you know that we take the privilege to teach and to mentor your dancers as exactly that…a privilege. We know them and we champion them in the things that they are working so hard to achieve. We LUV seeing them grow and be the people we see beyond the dance world. We take the time that we get to be in their lives as a true opportunity. We LUV our dancers!
We LUV our supporters. No, but seriously…you are all the best. If you don’t take part in this world of dance it’s hard to understand what it’s all about. For those of you who know this world well, you know that it’s as much time and commitment from our parents as it is from our dancers. The pay off is watching your tiny little dancers or you experienced artists do their thing on a stage during a performance. Camera reels roll and picture perfect moments happen. We know you understand like we do that dance is more then just something you do a few days a week. We LUV you supporters!
We LUV our studio. Not just our physical studio, nestled down in West Kaysville Utah (though it is beautiful). Our teachers, our secretaries, the dancers that keep it busy, the loud music coming from it’s studios, the ballet, the tap, the hip hop…everything. We LUV our studio.
We LUV our teachers. Yes, we know, we mentioned them above, but…we really really LUV these beautiful people. The time they commit, their LUV for their students, their passion for this art…we LUV our teachers.
We LUV our choreographers. We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again…our choreographers are second to none. We are truly lucky to have these talented people come to our studio to teach and to impart of their artistry to our dancers. With so many choreographers excited to come to our studio to work with our amazing dancers, we can’t help but think they LUV us too.
We LUV performance and competition time. There are few things like it! The payoff comes in that moment on stage when the lights go up and the music queue’s…right at that second it happens. That moment for each of them. It’s an excitement that’s hard to explain if you’ve never lived it, but let us tell you…there is nothing like it!
We LUV dance. Ever changing, ever evolving, dance is a universal language and artistry that has made its way from the beginning, spanning the ages across cultures and religions and regions. It’s been a part of this world since forever and to watch it roll forward in the future is exciting to witness.
We LUV L2D. We’ve made our mark on Utah’s dance scene and word is spreading farther and wider, but no matter how far our reach, what’s always remained the same is the motto that has guided us all these 20 years and counting. We’ve been built on hearts that LUV 2 DANCE! L2D has created something special and we’re so happy to be apart of it all!
Happy LUV 2 Dance month…er Valentines Day.