CreAte Hope…

CreAte Hope…

We are so excited to announce that our CreAte Hope Charity Show was a huge success. Thank you to all who came to support this great cause.  We especially wanted to thank all those dancers and their parents who participated in our finale dance featuring...
Share the Luv…

Share the Luv…

Once a year, around the time of our creAte Hope Charity show, studio 1 of L2D fills up on Friday nights with a group of people extra special to our hearts. For the weeks spent preparing, each Friday is an opportunity for our dancers to come and share the luv with this...
Mark Your Calendars…

Mark Your Calendars…

The 6th annual CreAte Hope Charity Show is finally here.  A “be-luv-ed” tradition for our Luv 2 Dance family as we take the time to use our passion for dance to benefit a group of people we’ve become equally passionate about. The Utah Parent...


It’s hard to believe we’re already welcoming in a new year.  It’s an exciting time as we prepare for our busiest time of year…competition season!   January is also a time for resolutions.  Whether it’s a mental note or written down and...